Are you getting enough prebiotic fibre?

Are you getting enough prebiotic fibre?

Prebiotic fibres are soft dietary fibres that have a protective effect on the gut and our health. Gut microbiota: the centre of health regulation Health begins in the gut. Who hasn’t heard of the importance of the gut microbiota? Probiotics here, probiotics there!...
14 days of poor nutrition are enough to damage the gut

14 days of poor nutrition are enough to damage the gut

It’s no secret. Junk food is bad for our gut. Fortunately, food can also be very beneficial, an asset for maintaining good gut health. Food is medicine. It is not a treatment in the strict meaning of the term, but it conditions the state of functioning of the...
Role of the endocannabinoid system in hunger and obesity

Role of the endocannabinoid system in hunger and obesity

You’ve probably heard of the nervous system: it controls our body through voluntary or involuntary actions. The same goes for the immune system: you know it helps us fight infections. What about the endocannabinoid system ? You will no doubt have a hard time knowing...
Joint pains: osteoarthritis or arthritis

Joint pains: osteoarthritis or arthritis

Crédit photo : Freepik – Osteoarthritis or arthritis  In France, almost one in two people suffer from joint pain, 9-10 million of whom are thought to be affected by osteoarthritis. Perhaps you are one of them? But do you have osteoarthritis or...
Maladies de la prostate

Maladies de la prostate

Les maladies de la prostate peuvent révéler un état de mal-être émotionnel profond, un sentiment d’impuissance. Le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus fréquent chez l’homme (25% de tous les cancers masculins) et un homme sur huit déclenchera ce cancer avant...