Joint pains: osteoarthritis or arthritis

In France, almost one in two people suffer from joint pain, 9-10 million of whom are thought to be affected by osteoarthritis. Perhaps you are one of them? But do you have osteoarthritis or arthritis, or maybe both? Confusion between arthritis and arthritis is common. What is the difference between both ? What action can be taken to suffer less?

Osteoarthritis or arthritis ? 

Osteoarthritis is wear and tear on the joints. It is a cartilage injury, the tissue that covers the ends of bones. Cartilage wear is normal. It appears with age. It can also occur prematurely with intensive sport, overweight, certain physical trades or with repetitive gestures. But today, more and more people suffer from osteoarthritis early due to their lifestyle that hinders the regeneration of cartilage. If osteoarthritis can be painful, it is not systematic.

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint. It is caused by toxins in the body and by metabolic overload. It can also come from an infection or an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or psoriatic arthritis. These autoimmune diseases are painful and can be very disabling.

I’m going to focus on the most common arthritis, metabolic overload and toxins in the body. This form of arthritis is often confused with osteoarthritis.

How do you know if you have osteoarthritis or arthritis?

Osteoarthritis pain occurs when the cartilage is too damaged to protect the bones and allow them to slide easily over each other. These are mechanical pains. Consequently, they are particularly present during movements and they are relieved by rest. They can also be accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the joints.

The pains of arthritis are different. They are induced by the internal intelligence of the organism for a specific purpose. Inflammation creates pain, but mostly it causes local increases in circulatory activity, healing and cleansing ability. It is at night when you rest that it is most intense. Arthritis pains are generally stronger during the night and in the morning upon waking. They diminish when you rise and resumption of activities.

If you experience joint pain at night or upon waking, your joints are stiff in the morning and the pain subsides or goes away with your daytime activities, you have arthritis.

Can arthritis and osteoarthritis be combined?

Osteoarthritis does not create true arthritis. The pain is essentially mechanical. But arthritis can create osteoarthritis. This is the most common situation of early osteoarthritis.

When your body is not able to eliminate various toxins and metabolic wastes sufficiently, your joints can become a place to store toxins. Your joints are even one of the preferred storage areas of your body, with the fatty tissue located on the abdomen. Toxins and metabolic waste accumulate in the joints, forming crystals or agglomerates. This is where the inflammatory state becomes stronger. When the joints are continously overworked, the inflammation becomes permanent.

What to do ?

Reduce the overworked state your body is in :

  • Adopt a lighter diet that is easier to digest;
  • Reduce the amount of protein;
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol, fruit juices, sodas and processed food;
  • Do a gentle physical activity, adapted to your condition;
  • Practice detox cures.

Support the regeneration of the joints. Products like chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM promote the regeneration of cartilage. Certain plants or spices such as Boswelia or turmeric reduce pain by acting on inflammation. Quinton’s plasma or hyaluronic acid helps rehydrate and lubricate the joint, helping to improve mobility.

The accumulation of these elements in the joints, causes the suffocation and abrasion of the joint surfaces. This situation hampers cartilage regeneration and causes premature wear. The constantly present inflammation is gradually accompanied by the development of osteoarthritis.

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