Are you getting enough prebiotic fibre?

Are you getting enough prebiotic fibre?

Prebiotic fibres are soft dietary fibres that have a protective effect on the gut and our health. Gut microbiota: the centre of health regulation Health begins in the gut. Who hasn’t heard of the importance of the gut microbiota? Probiotics here, probiotics there!...
14 days of poor nutrition are enough to damage the gut

14 days of poor nutrition are enough to damage the gut

It’s no secret. Junk food is bad for our gut. Fortunately, food can also be very beneficial, an asset for maintaining good gut health. Food is medicine. It is not a treatment in the strict meaning of the term, but it conditions the state of functioning of the...
Vitamine C – Glutathion

Vitamine C – Glutathion

34,85€ Complément alimentaire 2 en 1 : vitamine C glutathion, minéraux Formule 2 en 1,vitamine C glutathion, renforcera votre système immunitaire et apportera une diminution notable de la fatigue pour sortir de l’épuisement. ➜ Puissant antioxydant naturel➜ Booste...