L’eczéma et le poids d’une grande séparation

Le poids de l’eczéma pèse dans votre tête ? Ou peut-être est-ce l’inverse ? Vos émotions marquent votre peau. Que faire quand la séparation fait trop mal ?

Quand la séparation fait trop mal !

L’eczéma est une maladie qui possède souvent une forte composante émotionnelle. Mieux comprendre la symbolique émotionnelle de la maladie permet d’agir là où les médicaments n’auront aucun effet.


Gut flora and chronic diseases

Gut flora and chronic diseases

Gut flora has become a major focus of scientific and medical research in recent decades. Books and numerous articles are devoted to it. It is now considered an organ in itself, and the intestinal flora is more than ever at the centre of our health concerns. It has the...

Candidiasis, a support for excretory organs against heavy metals

Candidiasis, a support for excretory organs against heavy metals

Lead, aluminium, cadmium, mercury and arsenic are the best known heavy metals, but there are others. Poisoning with these elements concerns more and more people through food, air, water, certain medicines, certain vaccines, etc. Heavy metal pollution of the body is...

Bowel diseases: some tips to feel better (part 2)

Bowel diseases: some tips to feel better (part 2)

Following the overview of the main bowel disorders in the first part of this article, let’s see what can be done to prevent these diseases and feel better. Very often, in the case of bowel disorders, symptomatic treatments are proposed to modulate the immune system...